Sunday, March 28, 2010

Building trust

So it's Sunday. Went to church, but didn't feel really good about it. The reasons why are obvious to anyone who had spent the past 48 hours with me. Let's just say I want to work hard to build trust in people who care about me.

That's a hard thing to do, even though it might not seem that way. Building trust is so vitally important in a relationship, especially a new one where you're both still trying to figure each other out. You can have so much love for that person, and yet, realize that so much of it can be extinguished just by the choices you make.

The key here perhaps is to never take the person you care for, for granted. And that includes believing they trust you unequivocally. They may want to, but then again, things are new. Wanting to trust someone and actually doing it are two different things here. I'm not talking about me trusting someone. It's that someone trusting me.

You see, it's not about what they do or the choices they make. It's about what I do and the choices I make that can determine the outcome of a relationship. I want to do whatever I need to do to build trust in my partner, to build love and understanding. That's my job, and it's what I need and want to do, because I love that person. And I don't want that person to ever doubt my resolve or love for them or people they are close to.

So on a spiritual day, I'm not feeling really spiritual. The Lord needs me to do certain things, and even though I haven't done them today, I am determined to make progress in that regard. I hope the Lord understands that.

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