Thursday, February 4, 2010


It's hard not to get too excited about losing weight. I've done it before, having lost about 70 pounds a decade ago. Well, I gained it all back and then some, just as soon as my body began accepting the greasy diner burgers, all-you-can-eat buffets and 24-hour gluttony bonanza that is Las Vegas.

I also once lost about 30 pounds about six years ago by going to Weight Watchers. Well, the only thing I watched once I stopped going to that group were the french fries going in my mouth.

This time? It's not different, really, except that I have a longer way to go. I have some time on my hands, so it's easier to go to the gym when I want, and not scheduled around available times.

I wish I had the same enthusiasm for losing weight as I do other things in my life. The truth is, I need a butt-kicker to keep me going. It's so easy to slouch toward the epicurean graveyard, such as it is. Way too easy for me.

But it's also easy to look at your plate and figure you could eat a little less. Maybe send the rest you would have eaten -- the money to pay for half the meal -- to Haiti.

This is a weighty challenge, to be sure. I just hope it's one I meet. No guarantees or promises on this one. Just my effort each day.

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